Saturday, November 05, 2011

House Passes Crowdfunding Bill!


On Nov 3 a crowdfunding bill slipped through and was passed in the house to little fan fare... to many it's just a way to help our economy... the reality is this probably the MOST important bill to pass for entrepreneurs since the 1939 SEC laws were enacted! 

Friday, September 01, 2006


This is the future home for all the news regarding the Wikitube OS development.

Wikitube is the name we giving to the next generation of metawiki. It is the wiki we are wanting to develop for the K12 Online Education Initiative. Imagine being able to get a complete K-12+ education from any online PC for free. Why is it important to attend a class to watch a “sage on a stage?” Why not roll out of bed in your jammies and log on to wikitube and watch the same sage with rewind capability? As a teacher wouldn’t it be great to spend your limited class time doing experiential learning activities and applying the knowledge on real world examples for your students? The fact is colleges like MIT OpenCourseWare initiative and others are making their entire course ware online. Many universities are also putting online terabytes of videos and lectures. Another reason for moving to a virtual immersive education platform is to enable educators to collaborate to create a dynamic educational system for all regarless of their social economic background.

Wiki Edu